Tuesday, November 19, 2013


 I sit here. fingers itching to dance across the keyboard. forming letters into words. words into sentences. sentences into real life. real life emotion.
You all have probably noticed i have not been keeping according the the original challenge. I can't keep doing it. the written list that is. I want what is in this blog to flow from my heart. While the list was great for awhile, and don't get me wrong i am thankful for those things, I desire what I post to come from everyday happenings. and the joys, thanksgiving, and blessings that flow from that day.

and today I am so thankful for safekeeping. for God's almighty hand! There was tornadoes that went through Illinois this past Sunday destroying many homes. They past very close to much of our family. Praise God they are all well!!! Please keep those whose homes were destroyed and who have lost loved ones in your prayers. There is so much devastation!
I am thankful for the gift of text messages! for catching up with dear friends over dinner. for family that welcomes me home from a long day of work. for beautiful full moons!

"Our hearts were made for joy. Our hearts were made to enjoy the One who created them. Too deeply planted to be much affected by the ups and downs of life, this joy is a knowing and being known by our Creator. He set our hearts alight with radiant joy."  ~Wendy Moore

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