Monday, December 31, 2012

TiMe HaS BrOUgHt SoMe CHaNgeS.

Hello dear readers! It has been a really, REALLY long time since I have sat down and shared with you all. So as you can imagine there have been a few changes in our family. Mostly good ones of course but changes none the less. I am not sure my memory can go as far back as May and remember the biggest events that have happened. My summer and fall seemed to blend together and fly by. Answering the question, "How was your summer?" is a challenge. I guess mainly because I am used to having free relaxing summer breaks before starting school up again. But this year was a bit different.
If my memory serves me correctly {because I haven't looked} the last I updated was the end of May and was the announcement of Caleb and Rose's baby and Jacob and Rachel's engagement. Jacob and Rachel were married on September 29th. It was a beautiful wedding and so exciting to add another sister-in-law to the bunch! We were blessed to be able to spend almost two weeks up there after the wedding with friends and family. We even sneaked in a surprise 50th for our dear mother while we were up there!  
Caleb and Rose's baby is due soon! We are all so excited to meet our new niece or nephew! They didn't want to find out what they were having so it is going to be a surprise. It will be so exciting to find out what God has blessed them with! "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." {Psalms 139:14}
The weekend after Jacob was married my dear brother Benjamin announced his engagement to Anneliese. So right when we thought all the wedding planning and preparation was over we were at it again. They set the date for December 2nd. So only having seven weeks to prepare we dived right in. God declared his faithfulness all the way through. The wedding day was a misty wonderland. The wedding service was really good and then... they were married. {They rode away on a horse. ;-) Shocking, right?} 

Somewhere between May and the first wedding we also fit in a family reunion with my Grandma 'Schu' and her siblings. We met up with Matthew and Renae and their crew a week before the reunion and caught up with them. After the family reunion I traveled back with Matthew and Renae and enjoyed spending a few weeks up with family and friends. A rare treat to be sure. {and such fun}
V.B.S with our church filled up our first weekend in June and then later in mid July we did Girls Camp with the young girls in our church. That was a wonderful week! Such a blast!
Another special memory that I will forever look back on is when we went on a "get-away" to a friend's cabin before Benjamin's wedding. It was cold and drizzly outside and we had a warm, toasty fire inside. It was bliss with the soft music playing, the crackling fire, and the puzzle slowly taking shape on the coffee table. It was a beautiful time of much needed rest and relaxing before a full weekend. It was filled with warm, special memories! *happy sigh*
 And one last special announcement is that in April Jacob and Rachel will be parents to a sweet baby boy! We look forward to that event with great delight! Babies are such a joy!
That for the most part brings you up to date with our growing family. I do owe you all apologies for allowing you to hang in suspense while I unintentionally took a break for the last seven months. I should probably make this blog one of my new years resolutions, don't you think? :-)

Have a wonderful new years everybody!

Lydia Kay

1 comment:

Janet said...

Congratulations to y'all for the new babies on the way and for the new siblings by marriage! Y'all have a wonderful, blessed family.:)

Miss Janet