Tuesday, January 1, 2013

coming soon

           As we all awoke this morning and started our first day of the new year my thoughts wandered to the previous night {a.k.a earlier that morning :-)} I thought of years past and how we celebrated the new year. When I was very young I was of course put to bed and slept through that special "12:00." But as I grew older I was allowed to stay up late to celebrate. I remember years when we counted down from 11:59 to 12:00 and then we all cried out "Happy New Year!" There was times when I slept through the new year. This year, however, we did stay up intending to welcome the new year with a shout. But time ran away from us. Renae and I were busily working on a puzzle {that we had started before Christmas.} Most of the rest were watching a fun little "movie" with an all children cast. I did intend to welcome the new year, in fact I looked at the clock at nine till twelve but it was 12:04 before I glanced at the clock again. I was a little disappointed with myself but mainly I just wanted to climb into bed, too tired to care.

         As I thought of all this I also thought of the 2nd coming. When Jesus Christ returns. There are going to be a lot of people that do not care, who could care no less, and who sleep through it not realizing till later what they missed. There will also be some, only a few, who are looking for it, counting down the last few seconds and who welcome the 2nd coming with a shout of joy and triumph. And then there will be still others, probably the greatest majority of people, who have the best of intentions, who know that He is coming, but loose track of time. Assuming that it is a long way off they ignore the times and continue to go their own way, entertaining themselves.

      This greatly challenged me. I am not usually one to think much about the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. Are you? Are you preparing, watching and waiting? As Christians we are commanded to watch.

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up." ~ Matthew 24:42-43
"Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh."
~Matthew 25:13

  Don't forget to watch.

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