Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I am so wonderfully thankful for Mustard Yellow! Look at it! It's wonderful! =) but then again Autumn colors have always been my preference!
This even my mom, hannah, and i were blessed to be able to help with a "widow's supper." It is a special dinner that a group of ladies plans every year for the widow's in the community. The food is always wonderful, the decorations gorgeous {!}, and the ladies so sweet! Hannah and I served tables together while Mom helped in the kitchen. So thankful for the group of ladies who plan the whole thing! and of course for the dear guest!                       It was such a blessing, being apart of it all.
~ we rise by lifting others.~
many blesings,
Lydia Kay
Oh! and today's date is 11-12-13! how fun! =)

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