Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thanksgiving {two}

Now onto part two. I suppose I should have mentioned that the previous pictures were on Thanksgiving day with my mother's siblings and few extra relations from her side. Now we are viewing pictures of my dad's side as well as all my own siblings. It was such fun getting together with everyone. Throughout most of the year our lives take separate paths so it is so incredibly sweet when the interchange.

I'm not sure what happened when this was taken but it was too amusing to not post. The same expression on both aunt and niece. :)
Food Prep.

This fun tent/tunnel thing was on sale on Black Friday so my mom purchased it for her grandchildren to play in. What a great Grandma!

Bon Apetite!

Squeals of delight and laughter ringing in the air.


Card Games!!!

Little Helpers...

We had yet another Thanksgiving meal to attend on Saturday. This time it was with my grandfather's siblings, their children, and their children's children and so on and so forth. ;) It is a big family.

More Card Games!!

Dutch Blitz! Definitely a family favorite.

What a sweet smile!


Kaitlyn said...

We LOVE Dutch blitz!! It's such an addictive game! :)

The Waldbeser Family said...

At first, I did not recognize little "Faith"! She has grown so much!! It is so sweet the see the similarity between her & "Grace!"

And we could not believe the picture of "Kay" & "Anthony"!! We never knew you looked that much alike! :)

Blessings to you all!

With love, en